Current Challenges

Antimicrobial Resistance Rapid, Point-of-Need Diagnostic Test’ Challenge
The main purpose of the Antimicrobial Resistance Rapid, Point-of-Need Diagnostic Test’ Challenge is to obtain an awardee(s) that will develop one or more rapid, point-of-care in vitro diagnostic tests that would be of significant clinical and public health utility to combat the development and spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria or diagnostic tests that distinguish between bacterial and viral infections.
Overview | FAQs | Executive Summaries for AMR Phase 2 Solvers
Challenge Sponsors

CHPL Data Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) Data Challenge is a call for developers, researchers, and innovators to develop a software application that makes use of the data in the CHPL application programming interfaces (API) or XML files in novel ways. The application should provide solutions to challenges for health care providers, health care consumers, and the health IT community.

Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is pleased to announce the Easy EHR Issue Reporting Challenge. Electronic Health Record (EHR) usability issues can adversely affect health care quality and patient safety. In order to effectively address such issues, clinicians, hospitals, and health IT developers need better tools to capture, analyze, and understand how and why errors occur. This challenge is a multidisciplinary call to software developers, clinicians, and innovators to create a tool that will make it easier for doctors, nurses, and other care team members to efficiently and effectively report concerns about the usability or safety of EHRs to appropriate parties, such as the hospital or practice’s IT team, the EHR developer, and Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs).
Past Challenges

MCHB's Grand Challenge
Do you have an innovative idea to help solve a health issue affecting moms and kids today? Here’s your chance to make it happen! The Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), part of the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), invites you to participate in our four prize-awarded Challenges with a total prize purse of $1.5 million. These competitions seek low-cost, scalable, innovative solutions that improve the health of mothers and children across the U.S.

Patient Matching Challenge
The goal of the Patient Matching Algorithm Challenge is to bring about greater transparency and data on the performance of existing patient matching algorithms, spur the adoption of performance metrics for patient data matching algorithm vendors, and positively impact other aspects of patient matching such as deduplication and linking to clinical data. Participants will be provided a data set and will have their answers evaluated and scored against a master key. Up to 6 cash prizes will be awarded with a total purse of up to $75,000.00.
The Patient Matching Challenge closes on September 12, 2017.

Provenance Challenge
As the movement of health information increases among consumers and providers, so does the need to track data provenance with each information update and/or exchange event.
Overview | Participation Requirements | FAQs and Resources | Registration
Challenge Sponsors

Secure API Server Showdown Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) is pleased to announce the Secure API Server Showdown Challenge, which invites interested stakeholders to build a secure, FHIR server using current industry standards, best practices, and recently issued healthcare-specific implementation guide requirements.
Overview | View FAQ’s | Submission Form | Stage 2 Registration Form

Proving the Potential: A Health Data and Standards Code-A-Thon
The “Proving the Potential: A Health Data and Standards Code-A-Thon,” is being hosted by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) on April 24-25, 2017. The competition challenges software developers, students, and aspiring entrepreneurs to team up and leverage publicly accessible Internet and health-specific tools to prove the potential for them to work together to solve tangible interoperability challenges in healthcare while maintaining appropriate levels of privacy and security.
Challenge Sponsors

Blockchain in Healthcare Code-A-Thon
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), in collaboration with the Chamber of Digital Commerce announces a health standards and data innovation Code-a-Thon.
Overview | Location and Accommodations | Agenda | Speakers | FAQs | Submission Form | Public Notice
Challenge Sponsors

Blockchain Challenge
This challenge is a call for designers, developers, investigators, and patient privacy experts and others to submit White Papers on the topic of “Blockchain Technology and the Potential for Its Use in Health IT and/or Healthcare Related Research Data.”
The “Use of Blockchain in Health IT and Health-related Research” Ideation Challenge solicits white papers on the topic of Blockchain Technology and the potential use in Health IT to address privacy, security, and scalability challenges of managing electronic health record and resources.
Up to 15 winners will be awarded a cash prize and up to 8 winners may be invited to present their papers at an upcoming industry-wide workshop co-hosted with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), September 26-27, 2016, at the NIST headquarters in Gaithersburg, MD.
View Winners | Overview | Participation Requirements | FAQs and Resources | Forum | Agenda

Code-a-Palooza Challenge
Congratulations to Lyfechannel!
Create interactive data visualization tools using newly-released CMS provider data that supports consumers making value-based decisions!

ONC Market R&D Pilot Challenge
Investments in digital health have never been higher. Encouraged by the increasingly favorable changes being made to health policy in the U.S., many entrepreneurs have answered the call to action to solve problems related to health care delivery and access, disease management, and cost reduction.

EHR Innovations for Improving Hypertension Challenge
Four $5,000 winners’ prizes
Thank you for your interest in the EHR Innovations for Improving Hypertension Webinar that took place on August 5, 2014. To listen and view the webinar please visit the Learn More section by clicking the button below.

Digital Privacy Notice Challenge
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT is awarding prizes for the creation of the best online notice of privacy practices that is readable and understandable by patients!
Congratulations to PatientPrivilege!

Medication Management Code-a-Thon
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and Treehouse Health are excited to collaborate on the Medication Management Code-a-thon, taking place at Treehouse Health from Friday, October 24 to Sunday, October 26. This highly interactive event is an opportunity for developers, patients, and providers to work together to generate new ideas and code while learning about initiatives like openFDA and the National Library of Medicine’s Pillbox.
Learn More